ZTE today unveiled its mid-range Galaxy Note competitor — the Grand Memo II LTE. The handset comes with a 6-inch HD display protected by Gorilla Glass 3 and sports a relatively thin waistline of 7.2mm and an impressive screen to body ratio of 80%.  The phablet sports a quad-core Snapdragon 400 processor, 2GB of RAM, 16GB of storage space, an LTE radio, 5MP front-facing shooter and a 13MP F/2.2 snapper at the back. It also runs on Android 4.4 KitKat with ZTE’s re-designed MiFavor 2.3 UI on top of it. The new interface offers some commonly seen software goodies like multi-screen multi-tasking and an enhanced camera app with lots of pre-defined camera modes. The 3200mAh battery promises up to 16 hours of full HD video playback or a full day of heavy usage. The handset is expected to go on sale during April in China with Europe, North America and Asia Pacific launch to follow.