Last year, Google officially launched YouTube Go in a beta in India. The app, which is a streamlined version of the standard YouTube app, allows users to quickly download and share content without heavily impacting their data allotments. Now, Google has officially announced that YouTube Go is rolling out to over 130 countries around the globe. The app is staying the same, as is the scope of its functionality, with Google launching the product in areas where the mobile network might not be as easily accessible as other areas. And here are the major features of YouTub Go, in a handy bullet point list:
Videos that matter to you: The YouTube Go home screen features trending and popular videos in your area, so that you can find and discover videos that you and your community care about. The entire experience is available in your language, with videos that are relevant to you. Control over your experience: On YouTube Go, we’ll show you a video preview when you tap on a thumbnail, giving you a better sense of what the video is about before you decide if you want to watch it. You can then choose to download the video for viewing later or stream it now. And we also allow you to choose the amount of data you’d like to spend on that video. Share videos with friends nearby: With YouTube Go, you can share videos with friends and family nearby without using any data.
YouTube Go’s broader availability begins today.