But several reports have surfaced of certain iPhone models suffering from a color defect, where the casing’s pigment fades or changes hue. It is not as dramatic as completely changing the color of the phone, but it is nonetheless annoying. Has your tech ever suffered from a cosmetic mishap? If so, you will be able to sympathize with the users who now have this unsightly flaw on their iPhone. Keep reading for all the gory details.
Here’s the backstory
One of the first reports of iPhone discoloration can be traced back to the middle of 2020. Of course, 2020! The user complained in Apple Support Communities that his red iPhone 11 started showing signs of discoloration. “I’ve had my phone for 4 months. In a case the entire time. I live in Washington state, not a super hot sunny area. And the edges are turning light orange all over like the paint is fading,” stated Barrick Taylor. He details that he has had previous iPhone models, and none of them had the same defect. As with other reported cases, Taylor kept his iPhone in a case and is otherwise in “perfect condition besides their faulty paint job on the aluminum border.” Almost 150 other people chimed in with, “I have this question too” on Taylor’s post in the Apple Support Communities forum. The problem seems to be growing, as reports include discoloration on several models: iPhone 12, iPhone 11, iPhone SE and iPhone XR.
What can you do about it?
Unfortunately, there isn’t anything that you or Apple can do about it. One of the people affected by the flaw contacted Apple about the problem, and the answer wasn’t comforting. “Apple told me that it’s a cosmetic issue and it’s not covered by the guarantee. I’m really disappointed because I’ve always used the glass and the case,” wrote user Giorgia25. Sadly, that seems to be the general response from Apple. There is no definitive answer as to why these models are suffering from this flaw. Seiko Advanced in Japan is one of the Apple partners responsible for creating the inks used on iPhone models. The leading theory is that Seiko Advanced used an older pigment technology to what is used today. The only way to make the unsightly flaw less visible is to invest in a good case that covers the discoloration.
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