Bonus tip: Click here to see how cloud services compare.

How to choose to share on Facebook and Twitter

If you want to control what activity is visible on your profile, put your cursor on the “Account & Lists,” button and then click on “Your Account.” Scroll down to the “Ordering and shopping preferences” section. Click the “Profile” link, which is right above the social media preferences link we used earlier. Click on the link in the orange box to the right that says, “Edit your profile.” Click the Edit privacy settings tab. It looks like this:

You can select or deselect items like Reviews, Questions, Who You Follow, Public Wish Lists, Baby Registry, and others. To simplify this, there’s also a handy option to “Hide all activity on your profile,” which turns everything off at once. If you want a quick look at what information you’re sharing publicly, click “View your profile as a visitor.” You can tell at a glance if you’re sharing anything you don’t want to share. If your profile is showing your real name, or other biographical information you don’t want, go back to the profile page settings page and click the Edit profile tab, it’s located right next to the Edit privacy settings tab. You can edit or delete any information like your Bio, Occupation, Location and more. You can even change the “public name” on your profile and post reviews anonymously.

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