The Google Clock app is preinstalled on Android handsets and is a trusty way to set alarms. If you use the app and want to spice up your alarm sounds, then the app’s newest addition might help with that. Google on Tuesday announced the ability to add music from Spotify as your new alarm sounds if you are so inclined. You will need to make sure that you have the most recent version of both apps installed on your phone, but once you do you’ll be able to choose from a variety of music to set as your alarms. The Google announcement says that you will be able to choose from your recently played music, search for specific soundtracks, or select a curated morning playlist that is put together by Spotify. Once your alarm sounds and the music starts playing, you will actually be able to keep listening to Spotify even after you end the alarm. Google says the feature begins rolling out this week globally, and you’ll need an Android 5.0 or newer device to take advantage of it.