Almost six months after launching the Galaxy S8, Samsung rolled out a software update for the device which made it possible to disable the functionality of the Bixby button. However, to the frustration of many, the button still worked as a power button and would wake up the device when accidentally pressed.

This behaviour remained intact on the Galaxy Note 8 as well which shipped with a newer version of Samsung Experience (8.5). Thankfully, Samsung has finally decided to put this source of frustration for many Galaxy S8 and Note 8 owners. The company is rolling out an update to Bixby which prevents the Bixby button from waking up the device if Bixby was disabled. Since Samsung is doing this by rolling out an update to Bixby itself, Galaxy S8 and Note 8 owners can get the update right away by updating the app from the Galaxy App Store. It is good to see Samsung finally acknowledge that there are Galaxy S8 and Note 8 owners who would prefer not to use Bixby and have it completely disabled on their device. Better late than never I guess. Now, here’s hoping that the company also allows users to customise the Bixby button to open any other app of their choice…eventually.