In February 2014, YotaPhone officially unveiled the YotaPhone 2, the round-edged successor to the original blocky YotaPhone that launched in 2013. Now, the company has set a date for a full showcase. The new handset is set to get showcased at an invite-only event in London on December 3. At the event, the YotaPhone 2 will showcase its 5-inch 1920×1080 AMOLED and 4.7-inch 960×540 e-ink displays. Unfortunately, no additional information regarding an official launch date or pricing were revealed in the initial tweet sent out by the YotaPhone Twitter account on Monday, November 17. As far as other features go, the YotaPhone 2 will feature a quad-core Qualcomm snapdragon 800 processor, 32GB of built-in storage and 2GB of RAM. It will also boast a Smart Power Mode, which will let the owner turn off the AMOLED display and use the e-ink screen only to conserve battery life. Are you looking forward to the YotaPhone 2?