Earlier in January, it was confirmed that one of the selling points for Xiaomi’s upcoming flagship, the Mi 5, would be the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor under the hood. Now, another important detail has arrived. Earlier today, Xiaomi’s own Hugo Barra tweeted out an official announcement date for the next device, and the company’s first product launch for the year. According to Barra, Xiaomi will announce the Mi 5 on February 24 — or basically right as Mobile World Congress is going on. Whether that means Xiaomi plans on making an appearance at MWC this year, though, remains to be seen. Barra also says that the Mi 5 is “everything you imagined, and more,” so it will be interesting to see what the company has in store for potential buyers in just under a month’s time.

— Hugo Barra 🇺🇦 (@hbarra) January 26, 2016 As far as specifications go, the aforementioned processor is the only confirmed new feature coming to the device. It’s rumored the handset will boast a 5.2-inch Quad HD display, with 32GB of built-in storage, 4GB of RAM, and a 16-megapixel camera on the back. There’s rumored to be a 13MP front-facing camera, too. Are you looking forward to the Xiaomi Mi 5?