At an event in Beijing, China, Xiaomi today unveiled their latest flagship handset — the Mi Note. The company is calling it the “most epic flagship device of the year” and has loaded it to the brim with cutting edge hardware. Specs wise, the Mi Note comes with a 5.7-inch Full HD display that is protected by Corning’s Gorilla Glass 3, a Snapdragon 801 processor, 3GB RAM, a 13MP camera with OIS, two-tone flash, and LTE and Dual-SIM connectivity. The front camera has a 4MP resolution but comes with 2.0u pixels for better image quality. The company has managed to pack all this inside a body that is 6.95mm thin besting even the iPhone 6 Plus, which is 7.1mm thick. The 3000mAh non-removable battery can be charged from 0-100 in around 2 hours thanks to Qualcomm’s Quick Charge 2.0 technology. Xiaomi has also laid special emphasis on the audio quality of the Mi Note and has included a ESS audio decoder that is capable of playing back files in studio-quality format. It also supports lossless formats like WAV, DSD and FLAC.
Like the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, the Note comes with a 2.5D curved glass on the front. Even the back of the device is made of 3D curved glass. Even though the device comes with a 5.7-inch display, it is actually smaller than the iPhone 6 Plus thanks to a mere 3mm bezels on the top and bottom. Xiaomi took direct potshot at Apple at its event and boasted how it managed to fit a 13MP Sony IMX214 sensor with OIS into the handset without the camera bulging out. On the software side, the Mi Note runs on MIUI 6 that is based on Android 4.4 KitKat. The device will be available in 16GB and 64GB variants from January 27 in China. The former will set users back by RMB 2,299 ($370), while the latter will cost them RMB 2,799 ($450). Xiaomi also unveiled the Mi Note Pro, the Mi Box Mini and Mi Headphones at its event today.