Late last month, Xiaomi unveiled its 2014 flagship — the Mi 4 — in India. However, the company only launched the 16GB model of the Mi 4 in the country, which was a bummer for many, especially since the handset does not feature a microSD card slot. Today, however, Xiaomi India announced that it will be launching the 64GB variant of the Mi 4 in India on February 24th for Rs. 23, 999. Despite being priced a couple of grands higher its chief competitor — the OnePlus One — the Mi 4 still offers a stellar value for money that very few handsets in the same or even higher price range can match.
— Mi India (@MiIndiaOfficial) February 9, 2015 Xiaomi was heavily criticized for only releasing the 16GB variant of the Mi 4 in India, though the company did say at the launch event that it will be bringing the 64GB model of the handset to India soon. It is more than likely that Xiaomi had to prepone the launch of the 64GB Mi 4 in India because of the OnePlus One, which has been selling like hot cakes in the country, and the lukewarm response to the launch of the 16GB variant of the Mi 4. The Mi 4 will be going on sale for the first time in India on February 10th at 2 pm on Flipkart.