Earlier this year, Xiaomi launched the Mi Max in China — a smartphone-tablet hybrid with a 6.44-inch display. This was not the first time that a smartphone company tried to launch a tablet with voice calling capabilities, but none of them fared particularly well. The Mi Max, however, has turned out to be an exception to this.
As per Xiaomi’s co-founder Lei Jun, the company has sold 1.5 million units of the Mi Max in China since its launch in the country two months ago. Considering that a device with a 6.44-inch display caters to a very specific niche of customers, this number is very impressive.
Interestingly, the first flash sale of the Mi Max in China had received over 8 million registrations, so it looks like Xiaomi’s supply-chain has been unable to keep up with the demand of the device. The Mi Max was also recently launched in India by Xiaomi, and even there, the device seems to be in demand. The Mi Max is powered by a Snapdragon 650 chipset and packs 3GB RAM. The highest end variant of the device comes with 4GB RAM and a Snapdragon 652 chipset along with 128GB of storage space.