Hence, the Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi along with the Mi 6 has also launched Mi Mix 2. Both are the high-end smartphone and will be enough powerful to compete with latest Samsung Galaxy S8. However, in the Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi’s smartphones, one of the great criticisms that have always emerged is focused on photographic quality, which in its devices has never surprised. The Mi Note 3 now brought a considerable improvement that will raise the quality of photography on these smartphones. The Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi is already one of the main brands to consider when we want a device with a good quality/price ratio as we already told earlier. However, the photographic component was always the “Achilles heel” of these devices. Many times the best sensors of the market were used, however, the performance of the software did not always correspond.

DxOMark evaluates the Mi Note 3 over the Google Pixel, iPhone 8 and the HTC U11

In its analysis of the new Xiaomi Mi Note 3, DxOMark positively evaluated this smartphone and highlighted the photographic capacity of this new device of the Chinese brand Xiaomi. In the overall score, the Mi Note 3 totalled 90 points, matching the result of HTC U11 and Google Pixel. However, looking closely at the result, we can verify that, in the photographic component, the Mi note 3 reached a brutal 94 points, getting the first place, above the iPhone 8. In its evaluation, the DxOMark highlighted the good performance of the zoom and portrait mode of the device. With respect to video recording, it still fails to accompany the result of other high-end models, having only taken an 82-point, due to some occasional frame failures, and some sharpness variations. The truth is that the well-known Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi is finally going well on the photographic component, beginning to take advantage of the real potential of its hardware. These results are a good advancement for the Xiaomi Mi 7 that can accompany the high-end devices of its photographic quality competition and further increase the arguments it has to be considered as a good purchase. So, what do you think about these extraordinary results of Xiami Mi Note 3? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.