Xiaomi today unveiled the Mi 5 for the Indian smartphone market, less than a month since the handset first went on sale in China. In typical Xiaomi-style, the company has undercut the competition in terms of pricing with the Mi 5, with the handset giving premium flagship handsets like the Samsung Galaxy S7 a run for their money.

The Xiaomi Mi 5 features a beautiful front and glass back with curved edges to make them ergonomic friendly. These glass panels sandwich an aluminium chassis that gives the handset a rigid and premium feel when held in hand. The front of the handset is adorned by a 5.15-inch Full HD display that is powered by 16 LEDs that allows it to reach higher brightness levels. Under the display sits the recent apps and back capacitive navigation keys, with a physical home button that features an integrated fingerprint scanner between it. For now India, Xiaomi is only launching the lower-end variant of the Mi 5 that is powered by a 1.8GHz Snapdragon 820 chipset, 2GB RAM and 32GB of storage space. Other specs of the handset include a 16MP camera at the rear that uses Sony’s IMX298 sensor and features 4-axis OIS. It is protected by a sapphire lens cover and features two-tone dual-LED flash. The front 4MP ‘UltraPixel’ camera features large 2.0 micro pixels for detailed selfies even in low-light. In terms of connectivity, the Mi 5 packs Wi-Fi b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth 4.2, NFC, GPS, LTE, dual-SIM connectivity, IR blasterand a USB Type-C port. Xiaomi will be selling the Mi 5 via Mi.com from April 6, with the 32GB variant priced at Rs. 24,999. The handset will also be available through other e-commerce sites a few weeks after its launch.