To celebrate its first anniversary in India, Xiaomi today launched the 32GB variant of its popular mid-range phone — the Mi 4i — in the country. Up until now, the Xiaomi Mi 4i came with only 16GB of internal storage, which along with the lack of a microSD card slot, was a bummer for many. The company did not offer any higher storage variant of the handset for users who wanted more storage space on their handset as well. For its specs, which includes a 5-inch Full HD screen, a Snapdragon 615 processor, 2GB RAM, a 13MP rear camera, and a 5MP selfie camera, the limited storage space was the only chink in the Mi 4i’s armor. Xiaomi will be selling the Mi 4i for Rs. 14,999 in India from July 28th, though registrations for the sale have already started over at the company’s website. In addition to the 32GB Mi 4i, Xiaomi is also giving a free Mi coupon worth Rs. 500 to anyone who purchases the 16GB Mi 4i. The deal is valid for the next two days so you have plenty of time to make up your mind on whether you should purchase the handset or not. Lastly, the company will also be giving away a free case to anyone who purchases the Redmi 2 or Mi 4 today. Make sure to head over to their website for information on more deals that will be occurring throughout this week.