It looks like Xiaomi is gearing up to release its new flagship, probably the Mi 4, on July 22nd. The company’s president — Lei Jun — posted a teaser image on his Weibo account with the number ‘4’ and a metal background behind it with the tag line “The journey of a piece of steel metal” below it. While the teaser image does not reveal anything about the handset, it does give a hint that it would be sporting a metal construction. Rumored specs of the Mi 4 include a Snapdragon 801 or Snapdragon 805 processor, 3GB of RAM, 16GB of internal storage and a 13MP shooter at the rear. It is also not yet known if the company will be releasing a new version of MIUI along with the Mi 4 or not. Xiaomi has recently started expanding its operations outside of China and announced the launch of its last year flagship — Mi 3 — in India for an extremely tempting price of Rs. 15, 000 ($250). Whether the company will immediately release its new flagship in India, Singapore and other neighboring regions outside of China is yet to be seen though.