The reference included wordings like “64MP Dual Camera” watermark for images and “ultra pixel” mode several times. This falls in line with the information published by Ice Universe on Weibo. The leakster had claimed that Redmi is working on a smartphone with a 64MP camera. Moreover, the phone will be the first device to feature a 64MP camera in China. Meanwhile, Samsung had announced a 64MP sensor named ISOCELL Bright GW1 in May this year. The sensor leverages Samsung’s pixel-binning technology to merge the data from multiple pixels. Furthermore, the ISOCELL Bright GW1 supports super phase detection auto-focus technology, Dual Conversion Gain (DCG) for better lighting and real-time HDR of up to 100 decibels for better contrast. It is worth noting that Samsung is prepping Galaxy A70S, a new version of Galaxy A70. In all likelihood, the Galaxy A70S might be the first smartphone to come equipped with a 64MP camera sensor. It would be interesting to see whether Samsung or XIaomi will be the first one to use the 64MP. A Qualcomm executive has reportedly signaled the arrival of smartphones with as much as 100MP camera sensor by the end of 2019.