With so many people relying on these online marketplaces, the scammers of the web saw a perfect opportunity to rip desperate people off. Between price gouging ordinary products and shilling phony COVID-19 treatments, avoiding scammers has become increasingly difficult. Tap or click here to see how some scammers got away jacking prices up. The EPA is finally bringing the hammer down on shady online retailers peddling dangerous chemicals as disinfectants and COVID-19 treatments. In fact, many of the pesticides in question are actually restricted for industrial use as well, and pose an “immediate health risk to consumers, children, pets, and others exposed to the products.” What’s more, most of these chemicals are sold by overseas merchants and have not been approved for domestic sales by the EPA — a legal requirement for any pesticide. Thankfully, you don’t need to do a lot of legwork to avoid getting duped by a quack COVID-19 treatment. To protect yourself from coronavirus particles, you don’t need anything more than good old soap and hand sanitizers, which are in short supply, unfortunately. Alternative chemicals are not recommended, and shouldn’t even be considered in the first place. That said, here is a list of product descriptions used by some of the frequent offenders that the EPA discovered during its investigations:

“Kills COVID-19”“Complete sterilization including the current pandemic virus”“Coronavirus disinfectant”“2020 Coronavirus Protection Coronavirus Protection Clearance Sale”“A Powerful, Green, Non-Toxic Solution Proven to Inactivate our current viral strain”“Epidemic Prevention”“Efficient disinfection to prevent the spread of disease”“Help keep your family and those you care for healthy”“Nontoxic causes no permanent injuries”“Ingredients are biodegradable and have no harmful impact on the environment”“There is no damage to the environment”“You can easily purify the living environment”“Safe for all people using”“Gentle to Child & Pets”“Chemical Free”

These descriptions, the EPA notes, actually violate agency rules due to inaccuracy and misleading claims. As a perfect example, advertising a pesticide as “chemical-free” is pure hogwash. Nothing made of matter on planet Earth is “chemical-free.” Even water is technically a chemical compound (and is also called “oxidane” or the spooky “dihydrogen monoxide” by some chemists). Another red flag to look out for is the language on the packaging. Many of these products are sold by China-based merchants, and as such, contain Chinese characters on the packaging. Environmental protection and safety laws differ greatly in other countries, which is why the EPA is so concerned with the proliferation of potentially dangerous chemicals. In the end, if you use your best judgment, you’ll probably be safe. Just be aware that a can of Raid won’t do jack against coronavirus. We may call illnesses “bugs,” but roach-killer won’t have any effect at all. The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, advice, or health objectives.